During some recent after-dark meanderings, I wandered into a bag store called Yamado, which led to a little bit of bag-lusting and a request for a business card on my way out. Rather than being handed the usual 2 1/8 inch x 3.37 inch slip of cardboard, I received something that might just as easily pass for a commemorative plaque. It’s an interesting marketing concept: it’s too big to fit in my purse, so there’s no chance of filing it out of sight and then (inevitably) throwing it out once my purse becomes distended with my magpie-like pickings. It has some weight to it and is probably equivalent to about 16 standard business cards, so the carbon footprint alone causes me to rethink tossing it. I can’t crumple it up: I simply don’t have the hand strength (nor will you, unless you’ve been putting in the hard yards with a gripmaster). Practicalities aside, there’s also a rather fetching photo of a woman on the front, with hair that defies gravity and a lovely hatbox to boot. So now it’s propped up on my bookshelf, a little advertising beacon that I’ve carried home with me. Shelf life: TBA.
I visited the store at 252 Tai Kang Road however my plaque also informs me that there’s another store at 139 Changle Road.
Miss G
If you want one of these bags for your birthday, I think a bookshelf beacon may be a little subtle for the initiative challenged selectively blind boyfriend. I would suggest going back to the shop and collecting some more and using them as drink coasters. Alternatively, make them into a tile mosaic in the bathroom or something to hang from the car review mirror...whatever it takes to get that present!