It's all about networking...

Many of us come across the longest/complicated wireless network names on the regular. You know, the crazy mix of letters and numbers and so on ? For the fifth time in 2 days I have had the most inappropriate network name detected by my "Apple pie". ( click here to check my first Apple post). Below is a screen shot I took for you guys:

I HAD to do some research, and it looks as though this kind of funny/weird/inappropriate names is quite a phenomenon worldwide, here is what I found. 

I will never look at my neighbors the same !!! To read another funny neighbor story, click here to read the public notice a wild Shanghainese discovered in front of her building recently.

What is your network name or the most ridiculous one you have ever seen ? 


  1. LMBO!!!!!! IFA-611 simple name but never working.

  2. :D :D Great post, never saw that before!! Pls more of that stuff ;) Good to have break sometimes!
    I ll change my wifi name later this night when my neighbor is watching two and half man at 3am again...


  3. This is so FUNNY, i just couldn't stop laughing XD
    I think this is very creative way to remind your neighbors that they should stop stealing ur wifi from now on..i am thinking to change my wifi name Janice

  4. I saw one last week that said "Suck my D*ck" <--but FULLY spelled

  5. We LOVE it!!! Fantastic Post!!!
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