They're trying to make me go to rehab

Singers and fashion designers collaborations can be quite successful. You most probably know how H&M has been upgrading itself by creating unique and non-massive clothes using Madonna, Rihanna, ect.  as a promotion tool.
Sure, fashion loves a celebrity muse BUT isn't it better to stick to what you do best 
sometimes ?! Amy Winehouse collaboration with designer Fred Perry is an epic fail... 
The collection is mediocre, without any new form or content, cruelly lacking in invention and originality. Nothing I haven't seen yet in some of Shanghai (cheap) store windows displays...ironically chances are it was probably "made in here.

Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse for Fred Perry

You be the judge!
click here 
As far as I am concerned, this is the Amy I like, enjoy !


  1. The collection really sucks indeed, I'll be waiting for your third album Amy !

  2. Lol Amy was probably high when designing this mess.
